
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Times are hard

Times are hard...

Grandad was reminiscing about the good old days....................
"When I were a lad, Momma would send me down to t'corner store wi' a dollar,
and I'd come back wi' five pounds o' potatoes,
two loaves o' bread, three pints o' milk,
a pound o' cheese, a packet o' tea,
an' 'alf a dozen eggs.

 Yer can't do that now.
Too many darn security cameras."

1 comment:

I would just love to hear whatcha think? good or bad. And as usual if you have a joke or something funny you would like me to post here I would love to do so. Just let me know if you would like me to link back to you or if I can use your name. All links are welcomed.

Why Not?

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Thanks guys! Do I hear 55?