
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My ex-wife, the pilot

My ex-wife, the pilot.  Wow, what a close call! ! ! !
My ex-wife started taking flying lessons about the time our divorce started and she got her license shortly before our divorce was final, later that same year.

Yesterday afternoon, she narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was piloting when she was forced to make an emergency landing in Northern California because of bad weather.
The NTSB issued a preliminary report, citing pilot error: Lynn was flying a single engine aircraft in IFR (instrument flight rating) conditions while only having obtained a VFR (visual flight rating) rating.

The absence of a post-crash fire was likely due to insufficient fuel on board.

No one on the ground was injured.

The photograph below was taken at the scene and shows the extent of damage to her aircraft.

She was very lucky.
   I don't care who you are, this was funny!!!

1 comment:

I would just love to hear whatcha think? good or bad. And as usual if you have a joke or something funny you would like me to post here I would love to do so. Just let me know if you would like me to link back to you or if I can use your name. All links are welcomed.

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Thanks guys! Do I hear 55?