
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Here I go again

find myself in the utmost embarrassing and humiliating predicament. I explained that I had to quit posting due to my ex. Well as some of you know I did just that. However I transferred this blog, gave myself a new name and the blog a new name. I even e-mailed my most faithful of readers. With new name and new address my new (yet old) blog was given a virus. I shut it down completely.

 Again I started over and my ex found that one.

 Now after redoing it for the 4th time, new name new address he has found me yet again!

I enjoy this blog to much to let him win. Soooo A Daily Laugh is up and running again and I will never shut it down again for any reason.

I am only soooo very sorry that you will be asked to go through Captcha to comment. And if you read my blogs you know how much I hate Captcha. I have no other choice friends. Please bear with me.

 And PLEASE start e-mailing me new jokes, laughable pics, etc. again. I soooo look forward to seeing you all again. It may be a bit slow in setting back up but I am bound determined to post every single post I have posted these last almost 7 years.

 With friendship, and of course A Daily Laugh,


  1. Replies
    1. I am so glad you saw this. I sure hope you will continue to come visit. I just miss doing this blog waaaay too much. So sorry about the inconvienance of having to wait to have your comment posted. Hopefully this won't be too much longer .


I would just love to hear whatcha think? good or bad. And as usual if you have a joke or something funny you would like me to post here I would love to do so. Just let me know if you would like me to link back to you or if I can use your name. All links are welcomed.

Why Not?

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Thanks guys! Do I hear 55?